Successful and Impactful Social Media Buying

Ever stumbled upon a captivating ad while browsing your social media? It’s something we’ve all experienced. But have you ever considered the brains behind those ads? Let’s delve into the world of social media buying, Wicked Bionic style. Understanding Social Media Buying At its core, social media buying revolves around securing ad placements on platforms …

Marketing to Multicultural LGBTQ+ Millennials and Gen Z

Marketing to LGBTQ+ audiences, especially millennials and Gen Z, requires a nuanced approach that considers the diversity and complexity of this demographic. For marketers looking to reach LGBTQ audiences, it is important to recognize that this group is not a monolith. LGBTQ people come from various backgrounds, ethnicities, and experiences, and marketing to them effectively …

Business Growth: Connect with Diverse Audiences 

The diversity of our population presents a unique set of opportunities for businesses when it comes to marketing. Chances are the need for your product or service cuts across many demographics and cultural lines. Still, the idea of crafting multiple messages to reach a multicultural audience can be highly intimidating—especially if you are relatively unfamiliar …

Change General Marketing to Target Marketing to Grow Your Business

Businesses today face a distinctive set of challenges when developing a comprehensive marketing strategy. Using general market advertising, companies have taken something of a one-size-fits-all approach, creating a branding campaign with a single message hoping to reach enough people and convert them to customers. Those days may soon be behind us. The one-dimensional general marketing …

Top 3 Advantages of Multicultural Marketing

Today’s marketing executives face a distinctive set of challenges when developing a comprehensive digital marketing strategy for their business or their clients. For many years, companies could take something of a one-size-fits-all approach, creating a branding campaign with a single message hoping to reach enough people to make it cost-effective. Previously, a wide net was …

5 Steps to Gaining More Customers with Hispanic Marketing

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] It may be a surprise to some that are not specifically marketing to the Hispanic population that they represent a significant portion of market share across the U.S. The Census Bureau estimates that Hispanics currently comprise 18.3 percent of the population across America with a spending power of over 1.4 trillion. As an example, …