Audience Development and Audience Research Are The Key To Success With Multicultural Audiences

In today’s crowded media landscape, connecting with audiences is becoming increasingly difficult. Digital media has upended the traditional marketing playbook, and brands must be more strategic in reaching their desired audiences. This junction is where audience development and research come into play. Audience development builds on identifying and building relationships with potential customers or clients. …

How to Find the Best Hispanic Marketing Agencies in Los Angeles

Hispanics make up almost 20 percent of the U.S. population. In Los Angeles County alone, the Hispanic population is more than 4.3 million. If your Los Angeles business is not targeting Hispanic millennials specifically, then you could be missing out on a large market. But if you don’t have experience with Hispanic marketing or multicultural …

How Marketers Can Unlock YouTube’s Advertising Potential

As the number two search engine in the world, YouTube accumulates roughly 35 billion visits per month offering a huge concentration of built-in eyeballs. The only site with more monthly visitors is Google. As an organization with a marketing budget, you can’t ignore YouTube as a host for your advertisements. And if you’re not going …

Do’s and Don’ts for Maximizing Your YouTube Marketing Bucks

The competitive digital economy requires savvy marketing. With nearly $7 billion in advertising revenue in Q4 2020, YouTube is a behemoth within the modern advertising landscape. Ask yourself: are you getting the most out of your YouTube advertising budget?   Millennials, Hispanics, and other growth demographics are heavily represented on YouTube. In fact, YouTube offers …

How a Marketing Agency Connects You to Hispanic Audiences in Los Angeles

If your business has decided to start attracting Hispanic customers in Los Angeles, then you probably already know the benefits of Hispanic marketing. What you may not know is how to create a Los Angeles-focused Hispanic marketing strategy that works. Finding a Hispanic marketing agency can help.   Understanding Cultural Relevance   A majority of …

Important Trends for Marketing to Hispanics

Much of the Hispanic population growth in recent years has come from birth, rather than migration. The so-called “Generation Z” is becoming increasingly Hispanic, with 1 in 4 school-age Americans now of Latin descent. Ninety percent of these young people are American-born, and they tend to have different priorities and worldviews than their parents. While they …

Change General Marketing to Target Marketing to Grow Your Business

Businesses today face a distinctive set of challenges when developing a comprehensive marketing strategy. Using general market advertising, companies have taken something of a one-size-fits-all approach, creating a branding campaign with a single message hoping to reach enough people and convert them to customers. Those days may soon be behind us. The one-dimensional general marketing …

Top 3 Advantages of Multicultural Marketing

Today’s marketing executives face a distinctive set of challenges when developing a comprehensive digital marketing strategy for their business or their clients. For many years, companies could take something of a one-size-fits-all approach, creating a branding campaign with a single message hoping to reach enough people to make it cost-effective. Previously, a wide net was …

Making It Last: 3 Tips to Keep Your Audience Engaged

Now more than ever, a successful branding strategy involves finding new ways to reach and engage your target community—but that’s only half the challenge. Let’s suppose you’ve implemented an effective campaign; you’ve made real inroads into a community and you’ve built ties. Now, what do you do to keep the momentum going? Building connections and …

5 Steps to Gaining More Customers with Hispanic Marketing

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] It may be a surprise to some that are not specifically marketing to the Hispanic population that they represent a significant portion of market share across the U.S. The Census Bureau estimates that Hispanics currently comprise 18.3 percent of the population across America with a spending power of over 1.4 trillion. As an example, …