Important Trends for Marketing to Hispanics

Much of the Hispanic population growth in recent years has come from birth, rather than migration. The so-called “Generation Z” is becoming increasingly Hispanic, with 1 in 4 school-age Americans now of Latin descent. Ninety percent of these young people are American-born, and they tend to have different priorities and worldviews than their parents. While they …

Top 5 Trends for Marketing to Millennials

The Millennial Generation (defined as those born between 1981-1996, or aged 24-38 in 2020) represents more than one-fifth of the American population. As such, Millennials play a key role in the marketplace, representing a purchasing power of $1.4 trillion. This generation responds to marketing quite differently than the generations before and after them. Let’s take …

Change General Marketing to Target Marketing to Grow Your Business

Businesses today face a distinctive set of challenges when developing a comprehensive marketing strategy. Using general market advertising, companies have taken something of a one-size-fits-all approach, creating a branding campaign with a single message hoping to reach enough people and convert them to customers. Those days may soon be behind us. The one-dimensional general marketing …

Top 3 Advantages of Multicultural Marketing

Today’s marketing executives face a distinctive set of challenges when developing a comprehensive digital marketing strategy for their business or their clients. For many years, companies could take something of a one-size-fits-all approach, creating a branding campaign with a single message hoping to reach enough people to make it cost-effective. Previously, a wide net was …