Marketing Strategy: What You Need to Know Before Spending One Cent

If you’ve been feeling like your marketing dollars are being wasted and not delivering on what you had hoped…you’re probably not wrong, and you’re definitely not alone. Small businesses have a notoriously difficult time making sound decisions with their marketing budgets without expert guidance. A survey of small businesses last year found that at least …

Change General Marketing to Target Marketing to Grow Your Business

Businesses today face a distinctive set of challenges when developing a comprehensive marketing strategy. Using general market advertising, companies have taken something of a one-size-fits-all approach, creating a branding campaign with a single message hoping to reach enough people and convert them to customers. Those days may soon be behind us. The one-dimensional general marketing …

Tips for Converting from Brick-and-Mortar Marketing to Online Campaigns

If your business has traditionally relied on brick-and-mortar marketing strategies, you’re probably already aware of the challenges facing you in this “new normal” as the economy starts reopening. With social distancing in place, face-to-face marketing, product demonstrations, etc. may be ineffective at best, or nearly impossible. Companies who successfully convert to online marketing tend to …

Marketing in Times of Uncertainty: Companies Who Turned Crisis into Success

When we live in uncertain times, it’s easy to allow the crisis of the moment to overshadow our vision for the future. For example, how can businesses form viable marketing strategies when the circumstances seem to be continually unstable and evolving?  The key is perspective. Let us explain. In our society, with every significant change comes …

Marketing to Gen Z and Gen X—The Major Differences

One of the biggest differentiators in how people respond to messaging is age—or, more to the point, the generational culture in which they grew up. We hear terms like “Gen X” and Gen Z” tossed around often in market-speak, but many people are confused as to what these terms mean or how they can affect …

Making It Last: 3 Tips to Keep Your Audience Engaged

Now more than ever, a successful branding strategy involves finding new ways to reach and engage your target community—but that’s only half the challenge. Let’s suppose you’ve implemented an effective campaign; you’ve made real inroads into a community and you’ve built ties. Now, what do you do to keep the momentum going? Building connections and …

How Millennials Consume Content – What You Should Know

The demographic known as the Millennial generation (people born between 1981-1996) has been a point of fascination for pundits and marketers alike. Millennials seem to have a unique perspective, worldview, and set of habits compared to the generations both before (Gen X, Boomers) and after (Gen Z). Considering Millennials now comprise 25 percent of the …

Top 3 Consumer Shopping Trends You Need to Know

Consumer online shopping is stronger than ever. Here’s what’s happening. Any effective marketing campaign will take into account what consumers are doing, what they’re buying and why. Consumer trends are a constantly moving target, even more so when there’s a rapidly evolving global situation. Just within the past 6-8 weeks since the pandemic began sweeping …

5 Steps to Gaining More Customers with Hispanic Marketing

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] It may be a surprise to some that are not specifically marketing to the Hispanic population that they represent a significant portion of market share across the U.S. The Census Bureau estimates that Hispanics currently comprise 18.3 percent of the population across America with a spending power of over 1.4 trillion. As an example, …

5 Strategies to Understanding Your Target Customer

[vc_row margin_bottom=”0″][vc_column css=”.vc_custom_1585245872816{margin-bottom: 0px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;}”][vc_column_text]When developing a brand or marketing a product or service, identifying your target community is only the first part of the process. Now you need to learn the target customer and what makes them tick—their needs, desires, fears, motivations, and so on—so you can begin to understand how your …