The Importance of Forming Strategic Alliances with Other Businesses

Have you ever gone into bookstore Barnes & Noble, browsed around, picked a handful of interesting titles, then wandered over to the in-store Starbucks to enjoy your favorite coffee drink while perusing your new finds? If you have, you’ve just demonstrated the power of a strategic alliance. Barnes & Noble doesn’t sell coffee. Starbucks doesn’t …

How People Can Tell Whether Your Brand’s Message Is Authentic

Authenticity means erasing the gap between what you firmly believe inside and what you reveal to the outside world. —Adam Grant A few years ago, if you described something as “slick,” it was a compliment. It meant that something was polished and terrifically produced. But nowadays, “slick” is increasingly used as a criticism. It’s a …

Taking a Well-Known Brand into New Places: Do’s and Don’ts

Every great brand is like a great story. —Kevin Plank, Founder/CEO of Under Armour   Breyer’s Girl Scout Thin Mints Ice Cream. What a genius expansion of not–one–but–two–brands. Why did it do so well? First, Breyer’s already had related flavors: It considers mint chocolate chip, cookies and cream, and chocolate chip cookie dough among its …

Building a Tribe Devoted to Your Brand: Why It’s Essential to Cut through the Clutter along with a Guide to Get Started

Every human being has to feel part of a tribe. It’s programmed into us. And you have to feel that you’re contributing to something. ­­                                    —Steven Hatfill, Scientist   Only 38% percent of customers are truly devoted to a brand. But these core customers are gold. They will go out of their way to get …

5 Ways to Provide Value and Build Trust

Law firms of all sizes are the perfect place to express who you are and the services you offer. Making it personal builds trust and creates accessibility. 1. ‘What to Expect’ Articles Publish a few articles that inform site visitors and potential clients what happens when they consult with your firm. Some of these include …

Masterminds and Shared Knowledge

Being part of a team, crafting out new strategies, creating something successful for a client together is an incredible feeling. What I love about Richard Branson’s quote is that he talks about weathering a storm (setback) by sharing knowledge. I feel like it’s old school to protect one’s knowledge, to live with a mindset of …

2017 LA Small Business Academy

You know when you sign up for something and aren’t sure what you’re getting yourself into? That’s what I did when I applied to participate in the 2017 LA Small Business Academy at USC. In it’s fifth year, the Academy is sponsored by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP), Los Angeles World Airport …