4 Key Benefits of Hyper-Focused Local Marketing

Blasting your marketing message to as many people as possible used to be a tactic that was widely used but not always the best for smaller budgets. (The whole idea behind mass marketing is to cast a wide net and hopefully catch a few fish.) These days, however, the opposite is true. The more you …

Marketing to a Politically Savvy, Younger Audience: Dos and Don’ts

Generation Z (today’s teens and 20-somethings) account for $143 billion in spending power, and the Millennial Generation accounts for another $1.4 trillion. Designing marketing that appeals to a younger, politically savvy, and socially/environmentally-conscious audience is the way to building a long-lasting brand.   Here are some dos and don’ts.   Do: Have a Brand Purpose …

Hot Tip: Advertise on Streaming TV to Reach More Eyeballs

Modern marketers today generally don’t need to be convinced about the value of Internet marketing. As a growing brand, you probably know the necessity of developing a social media presence, and that mass advertising on TV and radio doesn’t reach nearly as many people as it once did. What you may not understand is why …

Marketing Strategy: What You Need to Know Before Spending One Cent

If you’ve been feeling like your marketing dollars are being wasted and not delivering on what you had hoped…you’re probably not wrong, and you’re definitely not alone. Small businesses have a notoriously difficult time making sound decisions with their marketing budgets without expert guidance. A survey of small businesses last year found that at least …

Important Trends for Marketing to Hispanics

Much of the Hispanic population growth in recent years has come from birth, rather than migration. The so-called “Generation Z” is becoming increasingly Hispanic, with 1 in 4 school-age Americans now of Latin descent. Ninety percent of these young people are American-born, and they tend to have different priorities and worldviews than their parents. While they …

Top 5 Trends for Marketing to Millennials

The Millennial Generation (defined as those born between 1981-1996, or aged 24-38 in 2020) represents more than one-fifth of the American population. As such, Millennials play a key role in the marketplace, representing a purchasing power of $1.4 trillion. This generation responds to marketing quite differently than the generations before and after them. Let’s take …

Change General Marketing to Target Marketing to Grow Your Business

Businesses today face a distinctive set of challenges when developing a comprehensive marketing strategy. Using general market advertising, companies have taken something of a one-size-fits-all approach, creating a branding campaign with a single message hoping to reach enough people and convert them to customers. Those days may soon be behind us. The one-dimensional general marketing …

Top 3 Advantages of Multicultural Marketing

Today’s marketing executives face a distinctive set of challenges when developing a comprehensive digital marketing strategy for their business or their clients. For many years, companies could take something of a one-size-fits-all approach, creating a branding campaign with a single message hoping to reach enough people to make it cost-effective. Previously, a wide net was …

What You Need to Know About TikTok Advertising

If you’re one of those people who’s still scratching their heads trying to learn what TikTok is, join the club. While still quite new, this short-video based social network has taken the world by storm in the last couple of years, rapidly surpassing giants like Twitter and Snapchat for the number of users. With the …