How Marketers Can Unlock YouTube’s Advertising Potential

As the number two search engine in the world, YouTube accumulates roughly 35 billion visits per month offering a huge concentration of built-in eyeballs. The only site with more monthly visitors is Google. As an organization with a marketing budget, you can’t ignore YouTube as a host for your advertisements. And if you’re not going …

Do’s and Don’ts for Maximizing Your YouTube Marketing Bucks

The competitive digital economy requires savvy marketing. With nearly $7 billion in advertising revenue in Q4 2020, YouTube is a behemoth within the modern advertising landscape. Ask yourself: are you getting the most out of your YouTube advertising budget?   Millennials, Hispanics, and other growth demographics are heavily represented on YouTube. In fact, YouTube offers …

Marketing to Boomers, Millennials, and Gen Z

When it comes to advertising, the days of creating a single ad that has “universal appeal” are all but over. As the American population becomes more and more diverse, your messaging must adapt to a broader range of cultures if you want to reach your target market fully. Los Angeles alone is home to hundreds …

Wicked Marketing Podcast: A Brand Story

Have you ever wondered if your logo looks outdated, or if the messaging on your website needs updating? What does it mean to do a brand refresh? When you want to change your business or your audience because the business has grown or is pivoting, you may need a brand refresh that assists your new …

How to Connect with Millennials on Digital Media

Millennials represent about one-fifth of the U.S. population. A large age cohort with the purchasing power of $1.4 trillion, Millennials need to factor into your marketing strategy. And with nearly 50 percent of Millennials spending at least 10 hours per week online, the best way to reach this audience is with digital content.   Millennial …

How a Marketing Agency Connects You to Hispanic Audiences in Los Angeles

If your business has decided to start attracting Hispanic customers in Los Angeles, then you probably already know the benefits of Hispanic marketing. What you may not know is how to create a Los Angeles-focused Hispanic marketing strategy that works. Finding a Hispanic marketing agency can help.   Understanding Cultural Relevance   A majority of …

3 Tips for Marketing in 2021

There’s a saying that sounds confusing but is true nonetheless: “We don’t know what we don’t know.” If the previous year has taught us anything, sometimes things happen that we couldn’t have predicted, let alone know how to prepare for it. The global pandemic was an “unknown unknown” for hundreds of thousands of business owners …

Is Your Marketing Reaching Millennials?

Has your business been spending money on marketing and advertising to reach younger audiences but coming up short? One significant factor may be that you’re not clear on millennials and digital media.    DIGITAL MARKETING IS WHERE IT’S AT   Digital marketing to millennials (ages 24-39) requires an understanding that general marketing (marketing to the …

Millennials Media Consumption

To reach Millennials, you want to create content that not only speaks to their priorities and thought processes, but you must also understand Millennials’ media consumption. Let’s explore some of the most common ways Millennials consume content—and the type of content they’re most attracted to—to help identify the best channels for getting your message to them. …

Business Growth: Connect with Diverse Audiences 

The diversity of our population presents a unique set of opportunities for businesses when it comes to marketing. Chances are the need for your product or service cuts across many demographics and cultural lines. Still, the idea of crafting multiple messages to reach a multicultural audience can be highly intimidating—especially if you are relatively unfamiliar …