Candor & Emotional Connection: How to Connect With Millennials and Gen-Z

The narrative and writing style of communications nowadays has to be crafted very differently to what it was just five years ago. For websites, as an example, to develop a narrative that communicates the brand message, we now leverage storytelling, first and third-person perspectives, and interweaved trust validators like quotes and reviews. Whereas in the past, communications focused …

Where you choose to host your website is an important decision.

Depending on the level of knowledge and experience of your web designer, web developer or engineer, a suggestion will be made to host your website at a specific host. In our case, we host our websites on Amazon’s Cloud Infrastructure. We do this because we find it to be the most robust, responsive and future …

Use your email marketing lists to generate business with Facebook Ads.

Facebook uses a special algorithm to evaluate whether an advertisement is likely to be clicked by people. The algorithm then selects ads based on how much people who click on them are willing to engage with a particular product or service. Facebook says that this targeting is necessary to “make sure ads reach people in …

3 Horror Stories of Compromised Corporate IT and What You Can Learn

It’s often said that experience is the best teacher—but we don’t have to have had the experience personally to learn from it. If we can gain insight from someone else’s mistake or failure, we can often keep from repeating those mistakes. In honor of Halloween—the scariest day of the year—let’s talk about three real-life horror stories …

The Culture Creators and the Counter-Millennial Revolution

For every generation, there’s a counter-generation and the up and coming Gen Z is shaping up to be an interesting challenger to the Millennial mindset marketers have been trying to crack for the past decade. For years, brands and products have been focusing their efforts on trying to figure out the Millennial. A generation with …

How to BUST the “App of the Year”

By now you’ve probably heard of a little app called “HQ”, and if you haven’t, you should probably look it up. HQ is a world of fun, it’s a digitally innovative take on the gameshow concept but capitalizing on functions relevant to mobile. It’s an app where you can play a live hosted trivia game, twice per day and win cash prizes.

Getting ready for the next SEOgeddon

SEOGEDDON IS COMING JANUARY 2017 By now, most small businesses are aware of the effects of “Mobilegeddon” given it’s severe and negative effects on their search positioning and subsequent traffic to their websites. After it happened, we helped several new clients address drops as large as 80% due to the effects of this change. Some …

New TV, OTT and the Trends of Future Content Consumption

New TV is here, and traditional TV is scrambling to understand it. We all know content is king and it will continue to be king. What’s no longer king is the distribution medium that carries the content. This is why the rise of over the top or OTT is so necessary right now. It’s the …

Keep and Grow Your Audience

5 Easy Digital Marketing Tactics Any investment in digital marketing is boosted by using these methods to ensure that your existing audience is maximized to drive new consumers to your website. 1. PIXELING: Remarketing pixels let you track visitors to your website. Pixels are small snippets of code embedded into your site that will allow …

New Media is Winning the Election

In many of my recent conversations about the political fare of this round of elections the topic seems to be about Trump, and how no one seems to understand why he’s doing so well. I think what people fail to realize is that it’s not Trump that’s doing well; it’s the exhaustion of those who …