5 Easy Digital Marketing Tactics to Keep and Grow your Audience

Is customer engagement lagging or slowing down? It’s crucial to address the problem of stagnant or declining website traffic despite investment in digital marketing efforts. Many businesses face the challenge of attracting new consumers to their websites despite having an existing audience. Let’s delve into the significance of maximizing digital marketing strategies to not only …

Life Insurance For Young Americans: A Paradigm Shift

As the American consumer landscape becomes more diverse, it’s imperative for life insurance companies to adjust their marketing strategies to reach this changing demographic, especially the younger generations, effectively. The concept of life insurance may not naturally appeal to this group. However, it’s more vital than ever to enlighten younger consumers on the importance and …

4 Key Benefits of Hyper-Focused Local Marketing

Blasting your marketing message to as many people as possible used to be a tactic that was widely used but not always the best for smaller budgets. (The whole idea behind mass marketing is to cast a wide net and hopefully catch a few fish.) These days, however, the opposite is true. The more you …

Important Trends for Marketing to Hispanics

Much of the Hispanic population growth in recent years has come from birth, rather than migration. The so-called “Generation Z” is becoming increasingly Hispanic, with 1 in 4 school-age Americans now of Latin descent. Ninety percent of these young people are American-born, and they tend to have different priorities and worldviews than their parents. While they …

Top 5 Trends for Marketing to Millennials

The Millennial Generation (defined as those born between 1981-1996, or aged 24-38 in 2020) represents more than one-fifth of the American population. As such, Millennials play a key role in the marketplace, representing a purchasing power of $1.4 trillion. This generation responds to marketing quite differently than the generations before and after them. Let’s take …