Successful and Impactful Social Media Buying

Ever stumbled upon a captivating ad while browsing your social media? It’s something we’ve all experienced. But have you ever considered the brains behind those ads? Let’s delve into the world of social media buying, Wicked Bionic style. Understanding Social Media Buying At its core, social media buying revolves around securing ad placements on platforms …

How to Find the Best Hispanic Marketing Agencies in Los Angeles

Hispanics make up almost 20 percent of the U.S. population. In Los Angeles County alone, the Hispanic population is more than 4.3 million. If your Los Angeles business is not targeting Hispanic millennials specifically, then you could be missing out on a large market. But if you don’t have experience with Hispanic marketing or multicultural …

The Difference Between Marketing and Sales

A widespread confusion among business owners and entrepreneurs is understanding the difference between two essential concepts: marketing and sales. When someone is confused about these terms, the way we know is when they use them interchangeably—and this happens a lot. The truth is that marketing and sales are two similar functions that complement each other to help you earn revenue, but …

Tips for Building Your Brand, Virtually

If challenging times like 2020 had happened 30 years ago with this intensity, most of our businesses would have been sunk. In that sense, it’s fortunate that we live in a day where technology allows many of us to run our companies remotely. At the same time, operating remotely poses its challenges, especially if your …

4 Key Benefits of Hyper-Focused Local Marketing

Blasting your marketing message to as many people as possible used to be a tactic that was widely used but not always the best for smaller budgets. (The whole idea behind mass marketing is to cast a wide net and hopefully catch a few fish.) These days, however, the opposite is true. The more you …

Marketing to a Politically Savvy, Younger Audience: Dos and Don’ts

Generation Z (today’s teens and 20-somethings) account for $143 billion in spending power, and the Millennial Generation accounts for another $1.4 trillion. Designing marketing that appeals to a younger, politically savvy, and socially/environmentally-conscious audience is the way to building a long-lasting brand.   Here are some dos and don’ts.   Do: Have a Brand Purpose …

Hot Tip: Advertise on Streaming TV to Reach More Eyeballs

Modern marketers today generally don’t need to be convinced about the value of Internet marketing. As a growing brand, you probably know the necessity of developing a social media presence, and that mass advertising on TV and radio doesn’t reach nearly as many people as it once did. What you may not understand is why …

Marketing Strategy: What You Need to Know Before Spending One Cent

If you’ve been feeling like your marketing dollars are being wasted and not delivering on what you had hoped…you’re probably not wrong, and you’re definitely not alone. Small businesses have a notoriously difficult time making sound decisions with their marketing budgets without expert guidance. A survey of small businesses last year found that at least …

Important Trends for Marketing to Hispanics

Much of the Hispanic population growth in recent years has come from birth, rather than migration. The so-called “Generation Z” is becoming increasingly Hispanic, with 1 in 4 school-age Americans now of Latin descent. Ninety percent of these young people are American-born, and they tend to have different priorities and worldviews than their parents. While they …