Candor & Emotional Connection: How to Connect With Millennials and Gen-Z

The narrative and writing style of communications nowadays has to be crafted very differently to what it was just five years ago. For websites, as an example, to develop a narrative that communicates the brand message, we now leverage storytelling, first and third-person perspectives, and interweaved trust validators like quotes and reviews. Whereas in the past, communications focused …

The Culture Creators and the Counter-Millennial Revolution

For every generation, there’s a counter-generation and the up and coming Gen Z is shaping up to be an interesting challenger to the Millennial mindset marketers have been trying to crack for the past decade. For years, brands and products have been focusing their efforts on trying to figure out the Millennial. A generation with …

How to BUST the “App of the Year”

By now you’ve probably heard of a little app called “HQ”, and if you haven’t, you should probably look it up. HQ is a world of fun, it’s a digitally innovative take on the gameshow concept but capitalizing on functions relevant to mobile. It’s an app where you can play a live hosted trivia game, twice per day and win cash prizes.

‘Influence Over Coffee’ Book

From the Forward to: INFLUENCE OVER COFFEE – How to Gain It or Use It in Social Media In our first book in the Over Coffee series, we wanted to explore the topic of ‘influencers’ and their impact on marketing and content strategy. Carlos and I (with our Venti cups of caffeine) sat down to …

New TV, OTT and the Trends of Future Content Consumption

New TV is here, and traditional TV is scrambling to understand it. We all know content is king and it will continue to be king. What’s no longer king is the distribution medium that carries the content. This is why the rise of over the top or OTT is so necessary right now. It’s the …

Teens Today and Social: A Completely Unscientific Study

I don’t know about you but I’m often reading and hearing adults discussing the state of teens and social media.  Lots of talk, analysis, conjecture, arguments and frustrations expressed by parents about what their teens are doing on social, how they are communicating with each other and how unnerved the parents are that they simply cannot get their …