Instagram: Tips and Hacks to Increase Your Reach

This past weekend Dana and I attended a Pinnacle Global Network event where we had the opportunity to listen to Chalene Johnson speak on tactics and techniques to grow your engagement on Instagram. For those that don’t know Chalene Johnson, she’s an entrepreneur who made a name in the fitness space and has grown to …

Is Artificial Intelligence a Boon or a Bane

If your business has not begun thinking of how artificial intelligence will affect your bottom line, then it may be the right time to start putting some thought behind it.  About Collective Intelligence Collective intelligence is the term being used to define the human/machine cooperative interaction, meaning how machines and humans work together and the …

How People Can Tell Whether Your Brand’s Message Is Authentic

Authenticity means erasing the gap between what you firmly believe inside and what you reveal to the outside world. —Adam Grant A few years ago, if you described something as “slick,” it was a compliment. It meant that something was polished and terrifically produced. But nowadays, “slick” is increasingly used as a criticism. It’s a …

Taking a Well-Known Brand into New Places: Do’s and Don’ts

Every great brand is like a great story. —Kevin Plank, Founder/CEO of Under Armour   Breyer’s Girl Scout Thin Mints Ice Cream. What a genius expansion of not–one–but–two–brands. Why did it do so well? First, Breyer’s already had related flavors: It considers mint chocolate chip, cookies and cream, and chocolate chip cookie dough among its …

Building a Tribe Devoted to Your Brand: Why It’s Essential to Cut through the Clutter along with a Guide to Get Started

Every human being has to feel part of a tribe. It’s programmed into us. And you have to feel that you’re contributing to something. ­­                                    —Steven Hatfill, Scientist   Only 38% percent of customers are truly devoted to a brand. But these core customers are gold. They will go out of their way to get …

Where you choose to host your website is an important decision.

Depending on the level of knowledge and experience of your web designer, web developer or engineer, a suggestion will be made to host your website at a specific host. In our case, we host our websites on Amazon’s Cloud Infrastructure. We do this because we find it to be the most robust, responsive and future …

Use your email marketing lists to generate business with Facebook Ads.

Facebook uses a special algorithm to evaluate whether an advertisement is likely to be clicked by people. The algorithm then selects ads based on how much people who click on them are willing to engage with a particular product or service. Facebook says that this targeting is necessary to “make sure ads reach people in …