4 Key Benefits of Hyper-Focused Local Marketing

Blasting your marketing message to as many people as possible used to be a tactic that was widely used but not always the best for smaller budgets. (The whole idea behind mass marketing is to cast a wide net and hopefully catch a few fish.) These days, however, the opposite is true. The more you …

Top 3 Advantages of Multicultural Marketing

Today’s marketing executives face a distinctive set of challenges when developing a comprehensive digital marketing strategy for their business or their clients. For many years, companies could take something of a one-size-fits-all approach, creating a branding campaign with a single message hoping to reach enough people to make it cost-effective. Previously, a wide net was …

Zoom Event Ideas: Tips, Dos and Don’ts

Zoom, the free video conferencing app (that most everyone has heard of by now), has become one of the most popular platforms for communication due to stay-at-home orders. As of May 2020, Zoom has 300 million daily meeting participants.   Aside from using Zoom internally to chat with telecommuting employees, did you also know you …

Tips for Converting from Brick-and-Mortar Marketing to Online Campaigns

If your business has traditionally relied on brick-and-mortar marketing strategies, you’re probably already aware of the challenges facing you in this “new normal” as the economy starts reopening. With social distancing in place, face-to-face marketing, product demonstrations, etc. may be ineffective at best, or nearly impossible. Companies who successfully convert to online marketing tend to …

How Millennials Consume Content – What You Should Know

The demographic known as the Millennial generation (people born between 1981-1996) has been a point of fascination for pundits and marketers alike. Millennials seem to have a unique perspective, worldview, and set of habits compared to the generations both before (Gen X, Boomers) and after (Gen Z). Considering Millennials now comprise 25 percent of the …

Where Advertising Media is Most Effective

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] What’s the Most Effective Media Mix? A question that’s often posed by our clients is what the most effective media mix is for them, their business, or their brand. Our response is always the same: It depends on what your goals are. Focus has indeed shifted over time to loftier strategies that include massive spending in …

Instagram: Tips and Hacks to Increase Your Reach

This past weekend Dana and I attended a Pinnacle Global Network event where we had the opportunity to listen to Chalene Johnson speak on tactics and techniques to grow your engagement on Instagram. For those that don’t know Chalene Johnson, she’s an entrepreneur who made a name in the fitness space and has grown to …

How People Can Tell Whether Your Brand’s Message Is Authentic

Authenticity means erasing the gap between what you firmly believe inside and what you reveal to the outside world. —Adam Grant A few years ago, if you described something as “slick,” it was a compliment. It meant that something was polished and terrifically produced. But nowadays, “slick” is increasingly used as a criticism. It’s a …

The Culture Creators and the Counter-Millennial Revolution

For every generation, there’s a counter-generation and the up and coming Gen Z is shaping up to be an interesting challenger to the Millennial mindset marketers have been trying to crack for the past decade. For years, brands and products have been focusing their efforts on trying to figure out the Millennial. A generation with …