Has your business been spending money on marketing and advertising to reach younger audiences but coming up short? One significant factor may be that you’re not clear on millennials and digital media




Digital marketing to millennials (ages 24-39) requires an understanding that general marketing (marketing to the masses) and traditional marketing (newspapers, magazines, flyers) are not the right way to reach this highly-valued audience.

Millennials are the first generation to grow up with the Internet and mobile devices. They may have seen their parents reading the Sunday newspaper or flipping through a magazine but this generation gets their content from their mobile devices. Millennial’s media consumption happens via the Internet and use it for everything from social interactions to researching facts for themselves. As a business, you want to be in front of them where and how they consume this content. Digital marketing is where to invest your time and money.

social media

The best way to advertise to millennials is to look to social media platforms. As Smart Insights states, “Millennials are a particularly important group since their age coincides with peak usage of many social media platforms by age and in particular two of the most popular social networks: Facebook and Instagram. Plus, they are predicted to be the largest target group for ‘generational marketing’ in the future.” This generation can also be found predominately Instagram, Snapchat, and LinkedIn. Look for millennial consumer trends that show where and how they are spending money.


Learn more about how to reach millennials with a FREE copy of The Practical Guide to Multicultural Marketing




I stand with you

Over 60% of millennials prefer to purchase from a brand dedicated to supporting a cause. If your business supports a cause like protecting the environment, they are more than likely to be loyal to your brand. Other social causes that are important when marketing to millennials are animal rights, anti-racism, and sustainability. 

Top Los Angeles millennial advertising agency, Wicked Bionic knows about crafting brand messages that appeal to millennial audiences and delivering them on social platforms to grow your business. If your business isn’t reaching the right audiences, reach out to Wicked Bionic here.

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