5 Strategies to Understanding Your Target Customer

[vc_row margin_bottom=”0″][vc_column css=”.vc_custom_1585245872816{margin-bottom: 0px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;}”][vc_column_text]When developing a brand or marketing a product or service, identifying your target community is only the first part of the process. Now you need to learn the target customer and what makes them tick—their needs, desires, fears, motivations, and so on—so you can begin to understand how your …

Local Marketing: The Finance Sector

The key to local marketing is in knowing, leveraging, reaching, and engaging your key market segments. In the financial sector, this means a mix of general market messaging with an awareness of the areas surrounding your branches. Market segments are a great way of devising personas for your targeted messaging. When providing our marketing services …

Candor & Emotional Connection: How to Connect With Millennials and Gen-Z

The narrative and writing style of communications nowadays has to be crafted very differently to what it was just five years ago. For websites, as an example, to develop a narrative that communicates the brand message, we now leverage storytelling, first and third-person perspectives, and interweaved trust validators like quotes and reviews. Whereas in the past, communications focused …

The Culture Creators and the Counter-Millennial Revolution

For every generation, there’s a counter-generation and the up and coming Gen Z is shaping up to be an interesting challenger to the Millennial mindset marketers have been trying to crack for the past decade. For years, brands and products have been focusing their efforts on trying to figure out the Millennial. A generation with …