Where Advertising Media is Most Effective

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] What’s the Most Effective Media Mix? A question that’s often posed by our clients is what the most effective media mix is for them, their business, or their brand. Our response is always the same: It depends on what your goals are. Focus has indeed shifted over time to loftier strategies that include massive spending in …

How much messaging is too much in a time of crisis?

In times of crisis, when the societal norms we are used to having been stretched, and we’ve entered a new paradigm of separation, communication has taken center stage. It’s the one way we have left amongst all the stress and anxiety form the unknown that can keep us connected. This time presents a unique opportunity …

The Importance of Testing and Quality Assurance

“Don’t wait for your best day to have your worst day.” -Carlos Sapene The news has been abuzz this week on issues related to the debacle at the Iowa Caucuses. Reports have been pouring in, blaming the coding of an app developed to transmit reporting efficiently from the voting centers to the central data collection …

The Importance of Forming Strategic Alliances with Other Businesses

Have you ever gone into bookstore Barnes & Noble, browsed around, picked a handful of interesting titles, then wandered over to the in-store Starbucks to enjoy your favorite coffee drink while perusing your new finds? If you have, you’ve just demonstrated the power of a strategic alliance. Barnes & Noble doesn’t sell coffee. Starbucks doesn’t …