Gen Z and Their Priorities Around Gender and LGBTQ+

In today’s fast-evolving world, understanding the values and priorities of Gen Z is crucial for anyone looking to make meaningful connections and create impactful change. As the CEO and Co-Founder of Wicked Bionic, I’ve had the privilege of observing and engaging with this dynamic generation, and I am continually inspired by their commitment to authenticity, …

Wicked Marketing Podcast: A Brand Story

Have you ever wondered if your logo looks outdated, or if the messaging on your website needs updating? What does it mean to do a brand refresh? When you want to change your business or your audience because the business has grown or is pivoting, you may need a brand refresh that assists your new …

How is your 2021 “Brand EQ”?

Here’s a question to ask yourself as we’ve moved out of a particularly challenging year into 2021: How would you evaluate your “brand EQ”?   What, exactly, are we talking about?   Do you have a favorite song—perhaps one that sounds exceptionally pleasing in your headphones? The reason it sounds good is that when that …

5 Marketing and Branding Terms Explained

When you talk to marketing agencies about what they do, have you ever been baffled by complex marketing terms like ‘OOH,’ ‘media buying,’ and ‘reach’? You are not alone.   As the owner of a successful marketing and advertising agency in Los Angeles, many of our clients are business owners who want to ramp up …

Gain More Customers by Using Storytelling In Your Marketing

Human beings, by nature, are drawn to a narrative. We love to tell stories, listen to stories, and think of our lives as a story. Brands and their marketing agencies have tapped into this inherent need by increasingly weaving storytelling into their marketing techniques—so much so that “brand storytelling” is an essential element to any …

Tips for Building Your Brand, Virtually

If challenging times like 2020 had happened 30 years ago with this intensity, most of our businesses would have been sunk. In that sense, it’s fortunate that we live in a day where technology allows many of us to run our companies remotely. At the same time, operating remotely poses its challenges, especially if your …

How to Keep Your Marketing Authentic and Avoid Coming Across as Generic

The younger, savvy consumers of today naturally gravitate towards brands that are authentic, raw, and vulnerable. Inauthenticity in a brand is a huge turn-off, and younger consumers can often spot fake attempts to appear authentic a mile off. Highly successful businesswomen like Barbara Corcoran understand authenticity.   So how do you ensure your marketing stays …

Making It Last: 3 Tips to Keep Your Audience Engaged

Now more than ever, a successful branding strategy involves finding new ways to reach and engage your target community—but that’s only half the challenge. Let’s suppose you’ve implemented an effective campaign; you’ve made real inroads into a community and you’ve built ties. Now, what do you do to keep the momentum going? Building connections and …

How People Can Tell Whether Your Brand’s Message Is Authentic

Authenticity means erasing the gap between what you firmly believe inside and what you reveal to the outside world. —Adam Grant A few years ago, if you described something as “slick,” it was a compliment. It meant that something was polished and terrifically produced. But nowadays, “slick” is increasingly used as a criticism. It’s a …

Taking a Well-Known Brand into New Places: Do’s and Don’ts

Every great brand is like a great story. —Kevin Plank, Founder/CEO of Under Armour   Breyer’s Girl Scout Thin Mints Ice Cream. What a genius expansion of not–one–but–two–brands. Why did it do so well? First, Breyer’s already had related flavors: It considers mint chocolate chip, cookies and cream, and chocolate chip cookie dough among its …