The Difference Between Marketing and Sales

A widespread confusion among business owners and entrepreneurs is understanding the difference between two essential concepts: marketing and sales. When someone is confused about these terms, the way we know is when they use them interchangeably—and this happens a lot. The truth is that marketing and sales are two similar functions that complement each other to help you earn revenue, but …

The Power and Promise of Micro Apps

At the intersection of business and technology, there’s lots of talk about “micro apps” and how they can be used to make humans more productive. While it might seem intimidating to have to learn another aspect of the Internet, the truth is, you’re probably using micro apps on a daily basis without realizing what they are.  For …

Tech Tools to Communicate with and Track Your Remote Team

From all indicators, it appears that working from home is set to become a semi-permanent or hybrid version of how we do business. Many small to mid-size companies have at least some of their team working remotely (some are fully remote). For many companies, it’s actually proven to be workable and cost-effective. A recent survey showed nearly …

Internet of Things (IoT) Technology—Where It’s Headed, and How It Can Make Life Easier

The Internet of Things (IoT) is nothing new—and in fact, we utilize this technology more and more daily without even realizing it. From our smart TVs and vehicles to a surprising number of household appliances, more and more of our devices transmit and receive data via the Internet. And it’s only expanding. Some reports predict the market …

Do Smart Digital Assistants Live Up to the Hype?

For Amazon users, it’s Alexa. For Google Home, it’s “OK Google.” For people who use Apple devices, it’s Siri. These days, AI-driven “smart” digital assistants are super hot, making it easier for people to keep their shopping lists, turn on the furnace, organize playlists, pick something to watch, or get directions—all with voice command. Tech …

Top 5 Messaging Strategies To Win at Media Buying

How Does Messaging Drive Brand Recall in Media Buying Campaigns? One of the primary goals of a media buying campaign is to drive brand awareness and brand recall. Marketing agencies specializing in these campaigns develop a media plan (a literal plan detailing where clients will spend on advertising) to meet this goal. Brand recall is …

Your Small Business and “the Cloud”: Is It for You?

These days, cloud-based computing and cloud applications have become the predominant way many companies do business. As of 2018, ninety-six percent of all businesses were utilizing the cloud in some way. At the same time, “the cloud” is one of those things that lots of people talk about, but many people have very little understanding …

Cybersecurity Tools to Protect Your Business in 2021

Business may have slowed down for some people during the past year, but rest assured the hackers have not. According to an annual email security report from Mimecast, over half of all organizations have suffered some sort of ransomware attack over a 12-month period, costing them an average of three days of downtime overall. Eighty-two …

How is your 2021 “Brand EQ”?

Here’s a question to ask yourself as we’ve moved out of a particularly challenging year into 2021: How would you evaluate your “brand EQ”?   What, exactly, are we talking about?   Do you have a favorite song—perhaps one that sounds exceptionally pleasing in your headphones? The reason it sounds good is that when that …

Marketing Winners and Duds of 2020

It’s often said that experience is the best teacher—but that doesn’t mean it has to be your experience. Sometimes the best lessons we can learn come from the successes and failures of others. As we look back on 2020—one of the most turbulent years in memory—we’ve watched many brands try to navigate these challenging times by striking …